12 Human Foods Dogs Can and Can't Have!
Wanting to spoil our pooches sometimes is worse for them if we aren't educated with the knowledge of the foods that are safe for them, especially when it comes to food we consume.
So, below are two lists. One with foods dogs can have, and another with foods that dogs cannot have.
So, below are two lists. One with foods dogs can have, and another with foods that dogs cannot have.
Food that dogs CANNOT have
- Cinnamon
- Nuts
- Onions
- Marshmallows
- Chocolate
- Garlic
- Corn on the cob
- Avocado
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Grapes
- Raisins
- Alcohol - Although not a food, this should obviously never be given.
Foods Dogs CAN have
- Pears
- Popcorn
- Apples
- Cucumber
- Rice
- Eggs
- Turkey
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Celery
- Pineapple
- Cherries
Although the CAN list is safe for dogs, it isn't actually that straight forward. For instance giving your dog a whole cherry is NOT advised, instead you can cut it and pit it to make it safe for your pooch.
This is the same with an apple, the core and seeds are toxic to dogs, and so you need to make sure these parts are removed and the apple is cut. Apples along with other safely prepped fruit and veg are great training treats for dogs without to many added calories.
Another fruit to be careful with is pineapple. Now, fresh pineapple in moderation is great for dogs, canned on the other hand is not due to the syrups, etc that are used in the cans to preserve the pineapple and so no canned fruits should be used in your dogs diet.
Another treat that needs to be completely clean is popcorn! No seasoning, toffee or any other toppings or flavourings when you give popcorn to your dog. So don't get carried away on movie night!
Remember treats should only take up 10% of your dog balanced diet. So moderation is key, just like it is for us, and making sure you prepare the treat correctly. Another example would be celery, make sure these are cut into bite sized chunks.
This is the same with an apple, the core and seeds are toxic to dogs, and so you need to make sure these parts are removed and the apple is cut. Apples along with other safely prepped fruit and veg are great training treats for dogs without to many added calories.
Another fruit to be careful with is pineapple. Now, fresh pineapple in moderation is great for dogs, canned on the other hand is not due to the syrups, etc that are used in the cans to preserve the pineapple and so no canned fruits should be used in your dogs diet.
Another treat that needs to be completely clean is popcorn! No seasoning, toffee or any other toppings or flavourings when you give popcorn to your dog. So don't get carried away on movie night!
Remember treats should only take up 10% of your dog balanced diet. So moderation is key, just like it is for us, and making sure you prepare the treat correctly. Another example would be celery, make sure these are cut into bite sized chunks.